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How to Create A Microsoft Excel Database

The term Microsoft Excel Database has never really sat very well with me since my primary role in the IT world has been in developing database and what is used by the spreadsheeting fraternity is what I consider an over glorified list.  However, for the sake of peace, I want to outline some of the principles you must follow in building what is known as the Microsoft Excel Database.

Let us review …

A database in essence is what is considered a collection of information that is related in some manner. For example if you were running a company and selling a product you may have a database that simply lists all of the sales you have made over a period of time.  Storing this data in a database would make sense as the company information and the selling of a product is related and as such would be appropriate for the database.

There are many different types of databases available such as Microsoft Access Databases, Oracle Databases, MySQL databases and so on but Microsoft Excel also has a form of a database known as a database list.  The form of the list is virtually the same as the other databases as the data is under column headings in rows, but after that common point, the Excel database goes in its own direction. See, to look for specific data within a Microsoft Excel Database or Excel List we do not use the common database language of SQL, we actually use specially written functions. These functions are custom written by you and are known as criteria.

So how do we create an excel database…
Well first off, there is one rule we must always follow and that is one excel database per worksheet. Anymore and you just get yourself into lots of trouble. In fact if you need to have multiple excel databases within your workbook simply put each excel database onto a separate worksheet.

The next thing you must follow is that your database lists first row must contain the heading of the list.  That is the first row contains your field names. Plus each of the field names must be 100% unique.  You cannot have two field names with the same name or again you will have a list that will not work.

The next issue you need to be concerned with is identifying the field names. Excel databases have a simple rule, the field names or column names must be unique. Now the way you identify them is easy, all you have to do is to ensure the field names are many different data types, format, pattern etc to the rest of the database in your list. Generally what I do is to format my field names in bold to satisfy this requirement.

One of the most important rules you must remember when you create an excel database is that around the row and columns of the fields and data there must be a blank row and column.  What this means is that you can still have a heading at the top of the fields, but there must be a blank row between the heading and the fields as well as along the last column as well.  The blank row rule also applies to the bottom of the list as well.

When you are entering data into your list, every cell in every record must contain some value even if it is simply blank (a blank value is still considered a value) and each record must contain the same number of fields.  If there is no specific data for a field you simply leave it blank and move to the next field.

Ensure that when you are entering data into a field that you don't have spaces before the text or at the end of the text in the field.  If you do have spaces, then what will happen is that sorting and search for data in the list will be compromised and you will get unexpected results.

Upper case and low case characters in the field do not affect the searches or sort orders unless you specifically tell the Microsoft Excel application it is an issue.  You can also use formulas in a cell if required.  Formulas can refer to cells within the Excel Database List or outside of the Excel Database.

Note also that you can edit and format the cells just like any other spreadsheet however the issue you must consider as a priority is that the field names must have a different format to the rest of the data in the database list.  It is highly recommended that there be no other formatting in the list except for the field headings. This ensures that there are no miscalculations by the application as to what is a field heading in the excel database and what is not.

Now that you have setup your list in this way following these rules, you are now ready to interrogate the list by applying criteria.  The easiest way that you can do this is by using the Form dialog box. To get into the Excel Database form you simply choose the Data menu and then choose Form from the drop down menu.

From the Excel Database Form you can simply choose the Criteria button, type the criteria you have for your data and choose the Find Next button and it will take you to the first record that satisfies the criteria you are searching.  Excel Databases are particularly useful for summary data that is where the volume of records you have in your database doesn't exceed 65,536 rows. 

If you follow these rules to create an excel database you will find that the functions associated with the excel database list will work in an effective and efficient manner.

How To Buy The Right EMR Software For Your Practice

Implementing an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software in your office can be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your practice’s success. Unfortunately, buying the wrong EMR can be disastrous. To buy the right EMR you need to be able to see past the smoke and mirrors. Relying solely on your EMR vendor to make the right hardware & implementation recommendations can be a big mistake. Here are some tips you can use to help ensure a successful EMR implementation.

Set realistic goals. What do you wish to gain out of an EMR? Many offices purchase an EMR in hopes that it will provide them with all the benefits that were promised to them automatically.
EMR can help you reduce your number of staff, reduce your expenses, reduce medical errors and reduce documentation time. To realize all these benefits you need to set milestones and implement the right plan.

Perform a cost-benefit analysis. All offices work differently and have different inefficiencies. It’s important to have realistic expectations of what type of Return on Investment (ROI) can be expected. It’s important to look into these items before you begin looking at vendors so that you have an idea of what type of budget you will have available for your EMR as the cost of EMR can range between $1000 and $45,000 and there is no silver bullet.

Seek out unbiased sources of information. Distilling fact from fiction in the medical software industry can be difficult. Even many of the awards that are given to the different vendors for their products are often very biased. The internet offers many unbiased information sources on EMR. You may also want to consider bringing in the expertise of an IT Company or EMR consultant to help guide you through the process of selecting the right vendor.

Leveraging hardware to improve your EMR functionality. It’s a great thing when you have technology on your side to manage your patients’ records and become more efficient. To do this it’s imperative to select the right hardware based off your office’s needs and user experience.  Involve the right IT company from the beginning to ensure a successful implementation.

Best website building video ever

Yes I’m sure about it.  Aren’t you yet?

Well let me tell you about it, so you can find out for yourself.

In my search for online business I ran into a site which gave me the tools to create my own website. It provided a video guided program to build a website.

The program was part off an amazing and powerful package.

The package was a combination of who to get started with online business, how to find your niche , to create a product and how to sell that product.

I personally found the website creation video the best part for me.
I had never build a website before and I really wanted to learn how I could build one.

Well I was surprised how easy it can be done.
Off course the first website isn't the best but it's a start. after a few tries you'll will get that feeling that you can create a nice looking website.

The website creation video tells you step by step how to build a website. ----------> Your website.

It explains HTML codes but you don't really need to know HTML, because the software you'll be using is WYSIWYG.

 (!!! What You See Is What You Get !!!)

Building a website starts with tables, background colors, and adding text.
Adding images and hyperlinks to another page or even a different website is also one of the chapters.

When you've made your website. it is still on your computer and not available for anyone else.

This program tells you how to upload your site to a web hosting company so that your website is visible to the world. Even changes made later can be reloaded.

The best part is the other basics chapter.
If provides setting up autoreplies, redirect pages, creating email addresses and how to make an Ebook.

This website creation video is a must have for starting your online business.

Did I already told you that it is available for everybody and FREE !!!

Find out for yourself how this amazing video guided program helps you to create your (first) website.

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Yours truly

Mike Pauli

5 Tips For Buying Accounting Software

Whether you are shopping for accounting software to help budget your personal or business expenses, you may find that managing all of your files with a single program helps you to save time and know exactly where your money goes. If you are familiar with the accounting process, you already know how complicated ledgers, account statements, debits and credits can be. In an effort to simplify the accounting process, a number of manufacturers have created software specifically designed to help make your life a little easier.

Before deciding on any one particular accounting software program, keep the following tips in mind:

$Because many popular online software specialty stores allow for product feedback from customers, you will have the opportunity to read reviews that may help to make your decision easier based on the experiences by others who have already used the accounting software in question. Pay close attention to customer reviews when shopping for software.

$When you consider the purchase of any type of software, including that of accounting, you will want to make sure that it is compatible with your computer and that all PC requirements are met before purchasing the product. Many software programs require a specific type of processor, available memory, etc. In order for the software to function properly your computer will need to be able to handle all of the applications contained therein. By being familiar with your computer’s configuration, you will be able to make a better selection when it comes time to purchase your new accounting software.

$When shopping for accounting software, read about the program’s description and capabilities. You will need to make sure that you are either already familiar with the application or that you will be comfortable in learning how to use it. The reason is because many retailers will not accept software that is being returned if it has already been opened. So, before you buy, consider downloading a trial version or purchase an accounting software program that you are already familiar with.

$Purchase your accounting software from a company that has been in a business for awhile and one that has a good reputation. This will ensure prompt customer service, reliability, product assurance and a timely shipment. By purchasing software from a reliable and established business, you will also gain the peace of mind in knowing that the title is authentic and not an illegal copy. The most effective way of checking out a business’s reputation is through the Better Business Bureau.

$Learn about the company’s return, refund and/or exchange policy. Although most retailers will not refund the purchase if software has been opened, they may be willing to exchange it for the exact title if the program is defective or damaged.

Computer News Articles-Computer running slow problems

Is your computer running slow? Does it take 15minutes to boot up? Computers can get people so frustrated when they don't do what you want them to do, computers that run slow are basically useless.

There are many reasons why computer run slow...

Spyware! What is it? What does it do to my computer?

A simple definition of Spyware: a general term used to describe software that performs certain behaviors such as advertising, collecting personal information, or changing the configuration of your computer, generally without appropriately obtaining your consent first.

Spyware is often associated with software that displays advertisements (called ad ware) or software that tracks personal or sensitive information. The most common type of spyware is pop up banners that never stop! You close them, and they keep returning. Im sure we have all had this problem once. Spyware in a nut shell, basically makes your computer run really slow. Once a computer is infected, the software usually uses your internet connection to download more.

Your computer 'Hardware' can be the problem!

This is probably not the problem with your computer, but it has to be mentioned because it could be the problem. After you have deleted the spyware and removed the virus you may have, if your computer still runs slow, then it is time to take your computer to a qualified technician to see if you are having hardware trouble. Check to see if you have at least 512meg of memory. This is the recommended ram specifications for windows Xp, some older systems have 256meg of memory and this is not enough if you run multiple programs. If you are running the new Windows Vista, i would recommend at least 1gig (1024meg) of ram.